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What is EFT, Tapping and how you can use it to get rid of negative emotions.

Updated: Dec 26, 2023

EFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Technique or also referred to as tapping. It is a holistic, non-invasive way to balance the body from stress and anxiety and was developed by Gary Craig. Once an anxiety is identified, tapping is performed on the body in a specific order. This specific order is always the same for any issue when doing EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique.

Hand shown with a plant. Emotional freedom technique EFT is used to balance energy in the body.

Here is where we differ from conventional EFT methods.

In Gary Craig's EFT method, a series of tapping begins at the forehead, jaw and other areas of the body to treat a variety of stresses and anxieties. Although this is effective, The Body Speaks has created treatments that use tapping on specific systems of the body to target the organ responsible for the emotion. Each treatment corresponds with a specific tapping steps, along with the use of essential oils and worksheets.

Each treatment contains a different set of tapping steps in order to treat that particular issue. This allows for a more direct healing method and works at treating the source of the issue.

Medical News Today published their findings in 2014 and 2019 to show studies that have proven significant reduction in anxiety, depression and PTSD symptoms when using EFT, tapping methods. People that use it, claim it does help with these issues.

Tapping is a successful way to get your body's attention, and allows an opportunity to reset thinking patterns and energy flows.

Young Living essential Oils and thieves spray shown here, can be purchased on our affiliate site.

This brings us to the Top-3 reasons why we use similar tapping methods as in Emotional Freedom Techniques- EFT, in our holistic treatments.

Reason #1

Tapping increases energy flow to that specific part of the body.

It is believed that all systems of the body are based on energy flows that connect through Meridian points. To maintain your health, these energy flows must be balanced otherwise, any disruption or lack of flow can influence disease or sickness.

It is believed that turning on these points of the body which show a weakness, is as easy as telling the brain to reset that nerve path and start working. When using tapping you can send a direct message to your brain to start the healing process.

In our instant digital treatments, you will be guided to follow our steps to achieve proper balancing for an array of issues. See our shop for the specific ailment you need assistance with.

Reason #2

Tapping, combined with essential oils, reaches the only part of your brain that hold emotions. Guess what? -That means you can get rid of negative emotions!

What an unbelievable truth! Science shows that the brain holds emotions in one specific area of the brain. This area is called the Limbic System in the Amygdala Gland. The fascinating part of this gland is that it can only be reached by the sense of smell. See more about this here. This gland is a survival mechanism to store fear and other emotions.

When a person experiences fear or a negative situation, it stores those memories in that area of the brain. The bad part is that these negative emotions can set you back from living your life to the fullest and can keep you from achieving goals. Fear can be debilitating and in order to not let it be so impactful, you must shed anything that inhibits you from emotionally being your true self.

Releasing fear and negative emotions can be accomplished through the use of essential oils because it targets this gland with the sense of smell and each essential oil stimulates with a slightly different energy.

To better target an emotion with a specific issue, we have combined using oils and tapping in our 10-page digital holistic treatments to follow. See those here in our shop.

Reason #3

Tapping is free and it's easy. Plus you can perform it on yourself without any side effects at anytime.

The point of holistic care is to obtain optimal health naturally, without the interference of medication or outside influences that can alter who you are. Tapping is a great way to send a message to your systems to make a change and keep your body balanced.

Tapping can be performed anywhere and anytime you feel you want to communicate a message. It can amplify that message when paired with essential oils and healing steps in our treatments. When you know exactly which organ is the issue for that type of emotion and what essential oil is most effective in that treatment, you then have a powerful holistic method to clear your body of negativity, right at your fingertips.

Don't forget, a very important part of your health is to maintain it on a daily basis. You should be eating fairly well if not perfect all the time. You should be exercising and taking supplements. You should be giving yourself time to hear the messages of your soul.

If you are someone that does none of the above and just visits the doctor when you have symptoms, then you are not doing preventative care. This is your one body. You need to take care of it right.

You can absolutely make changes to start living this way. Start by reading our blog on what to eat for your spirit, what types of decisions impact your spirit and other ways to tune into your spirit. I have every faith that if a person determines a direction they want to take, they can make it happen.

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Did you know...?

Did you know that your body can hold onto emotions down to its cells?


This can be harmful if your body prevents you from reaching your goals, in order to "stay safe".


Releasing these negativities is worth the effort and time. You only need to reach your internal systems correctly.


The Body Speaks creates digital download treatments doing just that and for multiple issues. 


In every treatment you download, you will use ETF (tapping), essential oils, and writing to program your consciousness to clear these issues.


Download a digital holistic treatment and get started healing your spirit!


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