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3-Ways To Boost Your Spiritual Power With Vintage Medals

Updated: Apr 8

The powers of vintage medals go back to the 1800's when Mother Mary appeared to Catherine Laboure with the specific instructions to strike a medal with her symbols. This was later called "The Miraculous Medal". During this apparition, Mother Mary gave her special instructions of how it should look: "have a medal struck on this model, and all those who wear it will receive great graces, especially when worn around the neck."

I love collecting these old vintage medals. To find out more about their history, see me on Instagram. @vmmjewelry

Gold vintage medal necklace of apparition of Mother Mary on Gold a chain by VMMJewelry
This is a popular depiction of St. Bernadette Soubirous who saw Mother Mary in Lourdes France

Many people over the centuries pray over their vintage medals. The power of prayer is connected with those individuals and I believe their own energy of those prayers are in the vintage medals. There has always been a mystical connection to how old a medal is and how long it has been adorned by others. Have you seen vintage medals with their details worn down? These treasures are from years of handling and praying over.

Vintage medals have always held a strong connection to the blessings of Mother Mary. You can access this opening to boost your own spiritual power with your vintage medals. In growing your spiritual power you increase your confidence and gain an assured life direction.

See our top 3 ways to boost your spiritual power with vintage medals, listed below. Let's get started!

sterling silver necklace with blue enamel medal of Mother Mary portrait
Blue enamel vintage medal of Mother Mary by vmmjewelry

Tip #1 - Anoint your vintage medal with essential oil

This should be performed every time you wear a new vintage medal for the first time. Make it yours! By doing this you will connect your spirit with the energy of the medal.

Take your favorite essential oil and place a few drops on your fingertips. Hold the medal between the same fingers and rub the oil on the medal. Hold the necklace in the same hand and add more oil to your third eye and the back of your neck. Each time say to yourself, "I accept the blessings of Mother Mary and I will listen to hear her voice in my life."

Tip #2 - Wear your necklace every day for 30 days

Many spiritual healers will tell you that your energy infuses into your jewelry. It is best to combine your energy with your vintage medal by wearing it every day for at least a month. I never like to sleep with any jewelry on but at least when you start the day, put on the same vintage medal for a good length of time to infuse your energy after you anoint it.

As you wear your jewelry, your energy combines with the medal, offering you protection and guidance.

Tip #3 - Place the vintage medal over your written name

For our final tip, write your first and last name on a paper with your own handwriting. Place your vintage medal over your written name overnight for a night or two. This is directly asking the medal to open your spirit to the spiritual power of the vintage medal.

Using vintage medals in this way also helps clear your spirit of negativity and helps you release issues that cause stress or frustration. When we open our spiritual channels we are also releasing negativity at the same time.

Your vintage medal necklace can be a tool to boost your spiritual power.

Vintage medals are not just beautiful pieces. They are powerful tools that were meant to be used to boost your spirit and grow your consciousness. They were deliberately depicting the apparitions of Mother Mary as a way for a person to connect with the unknown truths of our holy Mother.

By accepting the fact that you were born to have blessings bestowed upon you, work to determine how to reach them by using tools such as the vintage medals. They want you to succeed and they help you dissolve away the things keeping you from achieving them.

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