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The Spiritual Significance Of A Tarantula.

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Paying attention to the spiritual clues happening in your every day life is a window to what is happening spiritually on a universal level. There is an entire existence of positive and negative influences trying to overtake the other. It is important for you to become conscious and in doing so, become a force for good to increase the energy against the negative. look for consistencies and bizarre coincidences.

Large Tarantula spider also known as Lycosa tarantula

It is important for you to become conscious and in doing so, become a force for good to increase the energy against the negative.

The latest clues have been about Tarantulas!

About three weeks ago I was at Wagner Holistic Center getting a treatment on one of the machines and got an intensely itchy, irritated bite. It was a spider bite on my wrist, even though I saw no spider around. I broke out in hives and over the next few days I woke up with my opposite hand being swollen and the bite started getting infected. After a quick laser treatment it was okay.

Interestingly enough the next spider themed clue came when Ed and I went horseback riding. (Instagram of our Mt. rides) I saw a tarantula on the trail! I was riding past our fuzzy creature and in my head thinking, thank goodness the horse didn't step on it. I didn't stop to take a look but it was so neat to see this huge spider out in its own environment.

A few days later on "Nextdoor" two of my neighbors posted sightings of a tarantula and a very large spider. What are the odds of seeing this within days of seeing a real Tarantula miles away?

What is the meaning of these spiritual significances?

We decided to see if we could do some kinesiology testing to find out if there was some sort of message in these parallel instances. Dr. Wagner has amazing ways to test the body for truths and to find imbalances. He has been doing this so long that he has developed thousands of tests on the body to determine the cause of a condition, emotional issues and has been increasingly recommended by medical doctors that cannot resolve patient’s health issues.

Physical print out of a digital treatment by the body speaks. Digital Holistic Treatments for self help for purchase.

It was determined that on a universal level, people are being effected by fluoride in their bodies. High levels of fluoride can come from water that is not properly filtered. Reverse osmosis filters are the only way to take out fluoride and other harmful substances from your drinking water. Carbon filters are not enough. You can get water that has been filtered with reverse osmosis delivered to your home. Just be sure this is the process they use to clean the water.

This high level of fluoride exposure is effecting the thought process of people in general. It is inhibiting the ability to determine the truth in their lives and worldly issues. If you are unable to recognize the truth, you cannot make successful decisions for your future. A person’s direction can be influenced by this negative thought process and lead a person with good intentions, falling into the wrong direction.

Young Living Essential oils bottle and herbs. Text for visiting the body speaks affiliate website by Young Living.

You can avoid this from happening to you by drinking bottled water, drinking and showering from water with a reverse osmosis system and using non-fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride also has a negative effect on the body physically. The function of your thyroid can easily go out of balance. Thyroid controls your weight and regulates your temperature. People that are always feeling cold in normal temperatures, or having problems loosing weight can be having issues with the thyroid.

Coming soon... Look for a digital download holistic treatment to balance the thyroid and which vitamins we recommend to take for it. Also find our favorite fluoride-free products.

You can find some of these helpful products through us. Purchase fluoride free toothpaste on our Young Living affiliate website.

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