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How fear can create an Imposter Spirit over the health of a loved one.

Updated: Sep 5, 2023

Has your fear of a loved one getting sick created an imposter spirit in you? Your spirit is a sensitive but powerful part of your being. It can create negative effects against you based on your fears, your emotions, and just about any passionate part of you.

Experiencing a loved one with an illness or disease is a traumatic event for the family. While it is normal to have concern for your loved one, being overly afraid is not good for your well being. In fact it could be a sign that a negativity is at work within your anxiety. This can create an even deeper destructive element against you. Find out how anxiety can form an imposter spirit and how it could effect you. The goal to having a healthy spirit is to close openings that fear can create which let in negativity.

If you are in fear over the health of a loved one getting sick with a disease or illness you could be creating an Imposter Spirit to be formed against you. An Imposter Spirit is a copy of yourself, created by you, in order to protect your loved one.

For example, if a loving mother feels fear and anxiety over a child that is sick, she could unconsciously create a copy of herself to linger over the child. She creates this because she feels she has fear over the health of her loved one and she desperately wants them to be well. You would think this is a natural defense mechanism from a mother but it only formulates a negative outcome through an existing opening in the spirit. Our hidden negativities take this anxiety and splits away a piece of us to create this Imposter Spirit.

girl working on her laptop sitting inside a store window

Creating a protective self for another seems like an honorable thing to do for a loved one since you want the best for them, but it is not. It is bad for yourself because now a piece of you is split away and you are unsuccessfully sending your blessings away toward your loved one.

You will be blocking yourself in every aspect of your goals if you created an Imposter Spirit for your loved one. It will also cause an opening for other negativity to enter you and continue keeping you from your true self and the life that was originally intended for you.

Creating this type of imposter spirit will not benefit your loved one because this is not the type of protection from a positive, or real source. The blessings that you are passing to them will not formulate in the way you would hope.

Your loved one will also become allergic to you. So as much as you want to help them this is also going to come between the closeness of you and your loved one.

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How do you know if you have created an imposter spirit toward a loved one? How can you prevent this from happening? is there a detox treatment for your spirit that you can perform to break this connection?

It is hard to determine if you have this for sure. I can share with you my experience with an Imposter Spirit discovered by Edward D.Wagner DC. He knows how to detect your body for broken energy fields in your spirit. When he told me about this he said that a lot of people have it.

My middle daughter was sick in the hospital on two occasions. One at three weeks old where she had to get a spinal tap due to illness and the other as a teenager for an emergency appendix surgery that was quite serious. The future was uncertain and I was feeling helpless to the circumstances which resulted in a deep anxiety. This anxiety created an Imposter Spirit in me toward my children in general. The split part of me was creating more problems than good.

If you had a dramatic experience that may have brought on an Imposter Spirit, do the treatment below to stop it from effecting you and your loved ones.

Most of clearing this negativity is first becoming aware that this even exists.

Please don't get too stressed. I wouldn't leave you without a solution to do on your own, right away.

Treatment to clear yourself of an Imposter Spirit:

It's best to use any kind of essential oil that you already have but for this I recommend Stress Away by Young Living. Find it on our affiliate website to get it at wholesale.

This oil will help relieve you of the moments of increased anxiety. Remember, keeping yourself healthy inside and out will allow you to handle stress better.

Essential Oil Stress Away By Young Living
Stress Away Essential Oil $41.78 on our Young Living Order Page

1. Rub the essential oil in a circular motion on the back of your neck.

2. Rub essential oil on your heart chakra and inside of both wrists.

3. Say the words below out loud while tapping on your heart chakra with the closed part of your wrist.

4." I, ______________ am aware that I may have created an Imposter Spirit to protect __________ whom I love very much. I understand however that this will not benefit them or myself and I release myself of the burden on my spirit. I call back any parts of myself that may have split away due to this Imposter Spirit. Through my love and connection, I will become the greatest strength and stability for ________________ and myself. I believe that being balanced during this stressful time will endure all difficulties and bring me closer to the truth and purpose that my life holds for me.

5. Take a deep breath and hug your loved ones.

Spiritually fighting for you,



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Did you know that your body can hold onto emotions down to its cells?


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